Friday, May 27, 2011

Freaky Fridays

Hello Bloglanders,
Sorry for not posting in the last a few days! I've had the coughing crud and been a little under the weather. (In more ways than one, our weather here in the Midwest has been CRAPPY!) Now for Freaky Fridays...

Ran across this link which talks about Celebrity Favorite Sunglasses for Under $100. WTH? These aren't prescription sunglasses? They're just plain ol' cheap plastic sunglasses that look the same as what I buy... at the Dollar Store or WalMart. I just don't get it. I could buy some cheapos and glue a monogram on them or dress them up with a bit of "bling" and spend under $10 total. Money to burn, I guess. I just prefer to make people wonder "who's behind those Foster Grants?" and laugh all the way to the bank!

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